Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm a Fabricoholic

Sometimes, when walking through the store, rubbing fabrics between my fingers, I feel the need to confess my addiction of fabrics to a room full of strangers with the same disease who simply won't judge me for it. When I see commercials for the TV show "Hoarders", I'm often reminded of my 'stash'. Although my collection is only one or two storage tubs, and nowhere near as bad as the people on that show, I feel guilty all the same.

I just can't help myself sometimes, you see. Some fabrics are just too beautiful, too luxurious, to allow to sit unpurchased on the racks. Yes, I may not have a project in mind for this particular piece, but on the day I do I can't guarantee that it will still be there, so I most certainly should buy it now.

Coupons are a dangerous thing in my hands. It gives me an excuse to buy one of my coveted prints or soft velvets at a discount so I don't feel so guilty about adding it to the stash. It just makes sense to me that I'll save money in the long run by buying it now, for a discount, than in the future when I really need it and will be forced to buy it at full price. After all, coupons expire. You have to use them while they're good or it's like throwing money away. Right?

And then I remember that night - that late night - I was working on a project that needed a little something extra; a velvet sash to tie around the waist. There were no stores open, but I did have my stash...

The creative muse had seized me, and there was no going to bed unless I wanted to lay there wide awake while the specter of that dress danced before my eyes, taunting me in its half-finished form. Creative projects are like brain viruses that you can only expel when you complete it, otherwise it will gnaw at your consciousness until you do.

So I dug into the stash, and sure enough, there was the perfect piece of velvet that I had purchased years ago that absolutely finished the dress. I was not only able to go to sleep peacefully, but I knew my random purchases of beautiful fabrics were completely justified in that moment.

Yes, I may be a fabricoholic, but that's not a bad thing. In fact, I consider it to be one of my more attractive qualities. And on nights when I need to dive into a storage tub or two for that beautiful piece I bought previously, it's actually a life saver.


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